Friday, March 2, 2007

trying to sleep!

I need to be sleeping, but I'm not really tired at the moment. I have to get up early and go to work, then we are going to play Texas hold 'em in E-ville, and from there hanging out with friends to celebrate Mike's and Bill's birthday! I'm not positive what they have decided to do, but if it is anything like last week, it should be a great time! I really wish I would have been able to save up about $500 so I could surprise Mike with the camcorder I wanted to get for him. It is kind of hard to save up a lot of money whenever you have bills and trying to get a house. We both decided to go buy gifts for ourselves as soon as we have a lot of money saved up. (him either a playstation 3 or camcorder and me an Ipod) Neither of us can justify spending a ton right now, especially after he bought me a new lap top for x-mas, and I bought him a car cd/dvd player.
I am really ready to get a house. I like having an apartment and all, but a house will be "ours." We haven't really purchased anything HUGE yet as a married couple. Although we were discussing it the other day, and it does NOT feel like we have already been married over 7 months. It feels like 3 or 4, I guess that is a good thing bc it has probably been the best 7 months of my life. It is kind of weird bc when I was going up, all I could think about was how much I wanted to have a career and be a professional woman. One that people admired and looked up to. I fell in love, and now my dreams consist of making Mike as happy as I possibly can, and making his life as easy as possible. Yes, I still want a career, but it just doesn't mean a lot to me any more. At least according to my priorities.
I guess each person is different in that way. Some prefer having a family over their career and vice versa. I want both as I said, but I will always choose Mike over and career. He is number 1 in my life, and always will be.
I tend to get on here and just start rambling about everything that crosses my mind. Might be boring to those of you that read this..haha. sorry. I think I really am going to try to go to sleep now. I put in a movie and hopefully it will help me sleep. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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