Friday, March 30, 2007

up again tonight.

I'm trying to sleep, but I can't ever sleep without Mike here. I am glad that he is working tonight though, so we can play cards tomorrow and do something fun tomorrow night. Not much is new, we bought a truck a couple weeks ago. I absolutely love it...and well, it is amazing seeing Mike get something that he loves so much! I keep meaning to take a pic of him and the truck so everyone on here can see how cute he is!!! We went driving around last night, we were going to go mudding but they closed down most of the places that he use to always go with his friends. We still had a lot of fun together.
We were planning on getting a house, but decided to put that off for nine months. We will be able to get a better loan with lower interest rates then...and hopefully find a house that both of us fall in love with. That is one thing I feel very strongly about-we both have to LOVE it. We have almost the same taste though, so as soon as we find it, I know it will all work out!
I guess I don't have much else to talk about. Life is going great, and I don't think I have ever been this happy. The weather has been so beautiful lately and thank God my allergies have not started up yet! I would really like to start walking or riding bikes regularly.
Hope everyone has a terrific weekend and stay out of trouble!

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