Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthday to Us!!!!

My Hubby's birthday is today and my birthday was Sunday. We celebrated my birthday on Saturday night. The weather had sucked all day...rain and horrible wind, so about an hour before everyone was going to get here, our apartment lost electricity. Carrie was already here so we decided to go ahead and drink!! We only had one whiskey sour before it was time to go, but I started drinking again as soon as we got to Friday's. After we ate, we went to Arc Lanes and they have the best Long Island Ice Tea' I ended up drinking them for HOURS!!! I ended up completely drunk off my Ass. We then went into the bar attached to the bowling alley at about 1 in the morning-and they were doing Karaoke!!! That was a lot of fun! Mike ended up running into an old army buddy that he was in Iraq with, and he sang Happy Birthday to me!! Then Bill sang (which we have a video of!), and I believe Carrie and I sang but I don't quite remember that part.
.....The bar was closing down, so I ended up drinking the rest of my Long Island in a minute or two, and we started walking out of the building. (My Memory gets a little fuzzy at this point, but I still don't think I actually believe that I am drunk!) Mike pushes Carrie and I into the bathroom bc I guess he had to go and didn't trust us by ourselves outside. (Wonder why?) We finally left, and we sang and danced the whole way home! Then..I don't remember anything! haha. It was a lot of fun, and even more so bc Mike is terrific and takes care of me better then I could ever imagine.
His birthday wasn't quite as eventful, He had to work tonight in Huntingburg...and during the day he changed his brake pads and headlights. However, as long as he does not have to work on Saturday we are going out again. This time I think we are getting a hotel room so he can drink if he wants too. Should be a lot of fun!!! So..cross your fingers that he does not have to work!
We have been looking at a couple houses, and I believe as long as we can get a loan, we are going to get one of them. YAY!!! I am getting very excited about it. It is such a HUGE step in our lives, I didn't really think it was until I was in the situation. Trying to find exactly what we both want and love in a house is difficult, but at the same time it has been so much fun!
I am still getting excited about school...I'm ready for it. Ready to have a career, a very meaningful one. Well, I have wrote a lot tonight, so I think I am going to go. I should get cleaning but I don't feel like it! Have a great night!!!

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