Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lovey Dovey.

This weekend was suppose to be a huge celebration for Mike and Bill's birthday, and we had "fun," even though I was a bit cranky (I guess you would say.) We had a lot of fun playing cards, I saw a couple of people from my ex's family there, which I was slightly nervous about, but they are still as nice as ever. They were extremely nice to Mike and I, and made me realize how great of people the truly are. Mike won about $300 so that was great. I'm always so proud of him, he has so many talents, he amazes me more every day!
We then went and picked Bill up and went to Evansville. We ended up going to get a hotel room and calling a cab bc we were all planning on drinking. We THOUGHT we were being responsible and all. We then went to Arc Lanes again, but when we got there and I tried to drink-I was about to gag. So I ended up staying sober while they got drunk. Which was hilarious bc they were goofing around. We stayed there until about 2, when I called the cab to come pick us up again, and they said "it will be about 20 mins." We headed outside since Arc was locking up. We waited....and waited....and about 4 calls and 2 hours later, they finally showed up. Mike and Bill are about sober at this point. We decided to go to Steak-n-Shake after that, and of course when we got there, 3 people were working and a ton of drunk people were waiting. The shift manager wouldn't seat anyone, (for some reason), so there were probably about 20 people waiting at one point. One of the women finally had enough, went up and started yelling at this guy, so they got kicked out. We had probably been standing there for 30 minutes before we took a seat at the counter. By this time, I'm not sure why, I was so irritated and emotional that I am pretty sure Mike wanted to run and hide!!! He did end up getting irritated at me (bc of my bitchy attitude)...and of course where did that get us??? Me crying for like an hour straight w/ out being able to stop! I very rarely get like that, I think that is the first time I have cried in a few months, but since the time I woke up, most of everything had gone to crap really fast--so I had enough.
He is such a great husband to be able to put up with me sometimes. I know how much guys hate it when girls cry, especially for stupid reasons, but sometimes we can't help it!!! He just sat there and listened to me sob, hugged me, and kept getting me tissues. Whenever I really need him, he always does the right thing and is there for me. I know I go on and on about him, but I just feel so lucky to have him. I truly love him more than anything in this world.
I never expected marriage to be this great. Our marriage so far has been better then our relationship when we were dating. I have learned a lot so far, and noticed that we are really getting older. My mother bought us some more plates to match our nicer set, and I was so excited!!! haha. That's right, I get excited about curtains, comforters, dishes, and towels. :) It is so much fun to get things for our home.
Another reason we are getting older: We love listening to Alabama! haha. Back when I was in grade school and my parents would put that in the cd player, I would get so aggravated! I thought it was horrible! Then the other day we were in the car, and it was on one of our mixed cds, of course we were singing along to it when it hit us...omg we are just like our parents! I can only imagine when we have kids of our own, what they will think about our music.
Well all, I believe I am going to play a little online poker and try to wait up until Mike gets home from work! I doubt I will make it that late though. bye bye

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