Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Season

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I believe this was the best Christmas I have ever had, for many reasons. This year has been full of events that have made me take a step back and look at how important life, family, and all loved ones are. My mom had a scary situation with a tumor growing in her kidney-so we were all thankful for her being okay and getting through it all. I think getting a little older and more mature has really made me appreciate all I have and the people in my life.
Mike made this Christmas very special too. I have not been surprised for probably 7 years now on any of my gifts, my parents take me shopping and I know exactly what I am getting. Well Mike wanted to make sure to surprise me-which is terrific and sweet! He kept giving me WEIRD hints (about a man with a fish) and getting secretive phone calls, disappearing for a couple hours and all sorts of odd behavior for him. He ended up giving me my present a couple days before Christmas because with going to his mom's and over to my parents, he wanted to make sure I had enough time to play with it. So-I ended up getting a Nintendo wii-which was so incredible because I have wanted one since the first time I played it. This Christmas they were extremely hard to find and if you did they were over priced-so he had been searching for the last month on the Internet and every store to find me one. He ended up getting home from St. Louis, going to Walmart, got in a huge line-2 guys said "forget it" and left, another man got a phone call from his wife and she had got one in e-ville...which put Mike 14th in line. A walmart employee with a fish on his name tag, counted off 14 people and told the rest to go home! I am extremely lucky!
Mike ended up getting a Playstation 3 from my parents, so he is extremely happy! He has been wanting one since they came out last year! We had a terrific time with our families, my parents really got into playing the wii-and as always-Mike and my father were very competitive on everything; especially the bowling and boxing games!
Now I am hoping Mike will be in town on New Year's Eve. I will be upset if he is sent to St.Louis that night, but I guess I should just be thankful he has such a great job. New Year's Day with be our third year anniversary-and we have been married for almost a year and a half. I do not think I could be happier! He is such a terrific Man, he gives me everything and more-and I hope I do the same for him. We are planning to start trying to have kids at the end of 08-and I am so excited! We already have names picked out and everything!
Well, I hope everyone has a safe New Year's!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I love the Holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I love the holidays and being able to spend time with all of my family. Seems like everyone's lives are so fast paced anymore-that it is hard to spend a whole day with your family. Unfortunately Mike was called to go to St. Louis early this morning and was not able to be at our family dinner. I really missed him and I wish he could have been here more than anything-but I also know I need to be thankful for the money that these St. Louis trips are bringing in.

He worked on his truck engine all last week and got it running again! He is such a hard worker, he was out at Shawn Nance's house for 12-14 hours for 4 days putting everything back in. I was getting worried about him, but he was so motivated, I could have never convinced him to slow down. I am so glad he got it fixed, he loves that truck!!!! It fits him, perfectly! Bad thing is that our car is now parked until we fiqure out what is wrong with it....bad luck! We cannot drive it more than 5 miles without it overheating. Blah! Oh well, it does not bother me not having a vehicle of my own right now, I just know it stresses Mike out. I know even with the repairs we have been having to make, we are truly lucky people.

We put up our christmas tree and decorations yesterday! Last year we did not decorate so it was our first tree together! May sound lame, but I was so excited. We went to pick out decorations together, and THAT was an experience all in itself!!! haha. We had two different ideas on how our tree should look. Although I think I got my way more, he even agreed that it turned out really pretty!!!

Well, I think that is about all for now. I am just looking forward to him getting home sometime hopefully {in the morning.} Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!



Thursday, September 20, 2007

I have been doing a really bad job about writing on here, but I have limited amount time that I actually can. We still don't have very good Internet at our new apartment, we have been trying to get out of debt before spending money on Internet and stuff. Seems like right when we are doing better something bad happens to get us right back where we started. Mike was driving to work in Warrick county the other day, and his truck started to make a horrible noise. We found out he blew a rod in his engine, and we now have to replace that. =(
I've tried to keep a positive attitude though, I know how lucky Mike and I truly are, things could be much worse then having to replace an engine. He is driving my car until we can afford to replace it.
Mike has been working in Centrailia this week, quite a long drive everyday-but since he gets paid for driving, it has been a huge blessing. It is some extra money that will be beneficial-and he gets the weekend off!!!! We have been staying at my parents house a couple days, just so he doesn't have to drive as far, it has been kind of fun staying at my old house again-although a little weird too.
My mother is doing a lot better. She sailed through the surgery, and even though the tumor was cancerous, it did not spread anywhere else so she doesn't have to have chemo.
Well, I hope everybody is having a great week!

Friday, April 20, 2007


It has been quite a while since I have wrote a blog, so quite a bit has happened. Mike got put on alert for the National Guard, he is in the 13,000 that they are planning to send back to Iraq. He has 6 more days and he is out and on the inactive list, so I am hoping he doesn't get orders. I know he really likes the National Guard, and the guys he has been in it with, but I can't help being selfish and Not wanting him to go back to Iraq. In all honesty, I'm not sure what I would do going a year without him. I try to be supportive no matter what though-I guess it is kind of an inner conflict that I have. I want him to be happy, but I want to be happy too. I am extremely proud of him, I mean-he is so brave and has fought for our country.
I am still working at the Lumber Yard a couple days a week, although I do not think I will be there much longer. I'm getting ready to go back to school to get my Teacher's Cert. and I plan on starting to Substitute. I love the Lumber Yard, it just isn't what I want to do for a long period of time, It is my Family's passion-not mine. If we lived some place bigger, I would want to by a Criminal Psychologist-I think I have always wanted to figure out why criminals do what they do. I truly believe if we figure out what is causing people to kill and commit crimes, that there is a better chance is actually stopping it. How it is going now, society tries to place blame in every direction so "somebody's head rolls," instead of finding the source of the problem and making sure it never happens again.
I think we are all saddened by the Virgina Tech Massacre. My sympathy goes out to everyone affected. I really believe that everyone needs to come together in a time of need for the families. It seems that the United States is getting split by all the different political views that everyone has. Which the strong views that everyone has will not subside any time soon; I have come to the conclusion, that with the war and laws being made-the politicians are just doing what they feel is right and what, in the long run, will be the best for this country. I think society as a whole is becoming increasingly passive about stuff that would have never been tolerated 20 years ago, but I guess we owe that to "growing" as people.
My views are just that-Mine. I know that not everyone agrees, that some people would fight me to the death about some things I believe. However, I do not criticize how others feel, so I ask for the same respect. I got kind of frustrated last night watching the news-people criticizing NBC for releasing the tapes and pictures of the killer. If they wouldn't have, they would be equally criticized by the other set of people that want to see the information. I think a simple solution would be-for those of you who do not want to see pictures and videos, turn the channel or turn the tv off. No one is forcing anyone to see it. However, others deal with the trauma by finding why the killer did what he did. I do not think Kids should watch things that may scare them, but at the same token-if children get up at night- they will see girls flashing their boobs or late night talk shows with the main focus is on sex. Why do people not try to get those topics changed? Because sexuality is becoming the main focus of our society? Because 12 year olds in the last few years came with a "bracelet system" to perform sexual acts to those who "ripped off the bracelet."
My who question to the world is: why do we just shake our heads in disbelief what the children of society are doing, instead of stopping what is causing them to do it? If all children see on tv and in magazines are naked women and young good looking men wanting these women-children will relate "young skinny pretty woman will get the attention of a good looking man." Like I said, I am not trying to offend anyone reading this, but this is my opinion. Whenever I have a child, I really believe I am going to have to supervise everything the child watches and looks at on the computer. Pornography is too easily accessed for children. I think watching a porn with your signifigant other or by oneself once they are an appropriate age and place is something that should not be a problem. (as long as it isn't obsessive) But when a child can go to a website that they are trying to find information for a report, they see women in a bra and thong with everything hanging out, something should be done to prevent it.
I guess my whole point is, that with everything that has been happening with criminals, gunmen, and sexuality, that maybe we should try to get back to the start of the problem and fix it. I know that our world is not perfect, and it never will be..but if everyone worked together to find problems and solve them, maybe things could get a little better instead of continuly worse.
Well, I seriously hope I have not offended anyone who has read this, it is just my personal views and opinions. Everyone have a good and safe weekend!

Friday, March 30, 2007

up again tonight.

I'm trying to sleep, but I can't ever sleep without Mike here. I am glad that he is working tonight though, so we can play cards tomorrow and do something fun tomorrow night. Not much is new, we bought a truck a couple weeks ago. I absolutely love it...and well, it is amazing seeing Mike get something that he loves so much! I keep meaning to take a pic of him and the truck so everyone on here can see how cute he is!!! We went driving around last night, we were going to go mudding but they closed down most of the places that he use to always go with his friends. We still had a lot of fun together.
We were planning on getting a house, but decided to put that off for nine months. We will be able to get a better loan with lower interest rates then...and hopefully find a house that both of us fall in love with. That is one thing I feel very strongly about-we both have to LOVE it. We have almost the same taste though, so as soon as we find it, I know it will all work out!
I guess I don't have much else to talk about. Life is going great, and I don't think I have ever been this happy. The weather has been so beautiful lately and thank God my allergies have not started up yet! I would really like to start walking or riding bikes regularly.
Hope everyone has a terrific weekend and stay out of trouble!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lovey Dovey.

This weekend was suppose to be a huge celebration for Mike and Bill's birthday, and we had "fun," even though I was a bit cranky (I guess you would say.) We had a lot of fun playing cards, I saw a couple of people from my ex's family there, which I was slightly nervous about, but they are still as nice as ever. They were extremely nice to Mike and I, and made me realize how great of people the truly are. Mike won about $300 so that was great. I'm always so proud of him, he has so many talents, he amazes me more every day!
We then went and picked Bill up and went to Evansville. We ended up going to get a hotel room and calling a cab bc we were all planning on drinking. We THOUGHT we were being responsible and all. We then went to Arc Lanes again, but when we got there and I tried to drink-I was about to gag. So I ended up staying sober while they got drunk. Which was hilarious bc they were goofing around. We stayed there until about 2, when I called the cab to come pick us up again, and they said "it will be about 20 mins." We headed outside since Arc was locking up. We waited....and waited....and about 4 calls and 2 hours later, they finally showed up. Mike and Bill are about sober at this point. We decided to go to Steak-n-Shake after that, and of course when we got there, 3 people were working and a ton of drunk people were waiting. The shift manager wouldn't seat anyone, (for some reason), so there were probably about 20 people waiting at one point. One of the women finally had enough, went up and started yelling at this guy, so they got kicked out. We had probably been standing there for 30 minutes before we took a seat at the counter. By this time, I'm not sure why, I was so irritated and emotional that I am pretty sure Mike wanted to run and hide!!! He did end up getting irritated at me (bc of my bitchy attitude)...and of course where did that get us??? Me crying for like an hour straight w/ out being able to stop! I very rarely get like that, I think that is the first time I have cried in a few months, but since the time I woke up, most of everything had gone to crap really fast--so I had enough.
He is such a great husband to be able to put up with me sometimes. I know how much guys hate it when girls cry, especially for stupid reasons, but sometimes we can't help it!!! He just sat there and listened to me sob, hugged me, and kept getting me tissues. Whenever I really need him, he always does the right thing and is there for me. I know I go on and on about him, but I just feel so lucky to have him. I truly love him more than anything in this world.
I never expected marriage to be this great. Our marriage so far has been better then our relationship when we were dating. I have learned a lot so far, and noticed that we are really getting older. My mother bought us some more plates to match our nicer set, and I was so excited!!! haha. That's right, I get excited about curtains, comforters, dishes, and towels. :) It is so much fun to get things for our home.
Another reason we are getting older: We love listening to Alabama! haha. Back when I was in grade school and my parents would put that in the cd player, I would get so aggravated! I thought it was horrible! Then the other day we were in the car, and it was on one of our mixed cds, of course we were singing along to it when it hit us...omg we are just like our parents! I can only imagine when we have kids of our own, what they will think about our music.
Well all, I believe I am going to play a little online poker and try to wait up until Mike gets home from work! I doubt I will make it that late though. bye bye

Friday, March 2, 2007

trying to sleep!

I need to be sleeping, but I'm not really tired at the moment. I have to get up early and go to work, then we are going to play Texas hold 'em in E-ville, and from there hanging out with friends to celebrate Mike's and Bill's birthday! I'm not positive what they have decided to do, but if it is anything like last week, it should be a great time! I really wish I would have been able to save up about $500 so I could surprise Mike with the camcorder I wanted to get for him. It is kind of hard to save up a lot of money whenever you have bills and trying to get a house. We both decided to go buy gifts for ourselves as soon as we have a lot of money saved up. (him either a playstation 3 or camcorder and me an Ipod) Neither of us can justify spending a ton right now, especially after he bought me a new lap top for x-mas, and I bought him a car cd/dvd player.
I am really ready to get a house. I like having an apartment and all, but a house will be "ours." We haven't really purchased anything HUGE yet as a married couple. Although we were discussing it the other day, and it does NOT feel like we have already been married over 7 months. It feels like 3 or 4, I guess that is a good thing bc it has probably been the best 7 months of my life. It is kind of weird bc when I was going up, all I could think about was how much I wanted to have a career and be a professional woman. One that people admired and looked up to. I fell in love, and now my dreams consist of making Mike as happy as I possibly can, and making his life as easy as possible. Yes, I still want a career, but it just doesn't mean a lot to me any more. At least according to my priorities.
I guess each person is different in that way. Some prefer having a family over their career and vice versa. I want both as I said, but I will always choose Mike over and career. He is number 1 in my life, and always will be.
I tend to get on here and just start rambling about everything that crosses my mind. Might be boring to those of you that read this..haha. sorry. I think I really am going to try to go to sleep now. I put in a movie and hopefully it will help me sleep. Hope everyone has a great weekend.