Thursday, September 20, 2007

I have been doing a really bad job about writing on here, but I have limited amount time that I actually can. We still don't have very good Internet at our new apartment, we have been trying to get out of debt before spending money on Internet and stuff. Seems like right when we are doing better something bad happens to get us right back where we started. Mike was driving to work in Warrick county the other day, and his truck started to make a horrible noise. We found out he blew a rod in his engine, and we now have to replace that. =(
I've tried to keep a positive attitude though, I know how lucky Mike and I truly are, things could be much worse then having to replace an engine. He is driving my car until we can afford to replace it.
Mike has been working in Centrailia this week, quite a long drive everyday-but since he gets paid for driving, it has been a huge blessing. It is some extra money that will be beneficial-and he gets the weekend off!!!! We have been staying at my parents house a couple days, just so he doesn't have to drive as far, it has been kind of fun staying at my old house again-although a little weird too.
My mother is doing a lot better. She sailed through the surgery, and even though the tumor was cancerous, it did not spread anywhere else so she doesn't have to have chemo.
Well, I hope everybody is having a great week!

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