Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthday to Us!!!!

My Hubby's birthday is today and my birthday was Sunday. We celebrated my birthday on Saturday night. The weather had sucked all day...rain and horrible wind, so about an hour before everyone was going to get here, our apartment lost electricity. Carrie was already here so we decided to go ahead and drink!! We only had one whiskey sour before it was time to go, but I started drinking again as soon as we got to Friday's. After we ate, we went to Arc Lanes and they have the best Long Island Ice Tea' I ended up drinking them for HOURS!!! I ended up completely drunk off my Ass. We then went into the bar attached to the bowling alley at about 1 in the morning-and they were doing Karaoke!!! That was a lot of fun! Mike ended up running into an old army buddy that he was in Iraq with, and he sang Happy Birthday to me!! Then Bill sang (which we have a video of!), and I believe Carrie and I sang but I don't quite remember that part.
.....The bar was closing down, so I ended up drinking the rest of my Long Island in a minute or two, and we started walking out of the building. (My Memory gets a little fuzzy at this point, but I still don't think I actually believe that I am drunk!) Mike pushes Carrie and I into the bathroom bc I guess he had to go and didn't trust us by ourselves outside. (Wonder why?) We finally left, and we sang and danced the whole way home! Then..I don't remember anything! haha. It was a lot of fun, and even more so bc Mike is terrific and takes care of me better then I could ever imagine.
His birthday wasn't quite as eventful, He had to work tonight in Huntingburg...and during the day he changed his brake pads and headlights. However, as long as he does not have to work on Saturday we are going out again. This time I think we are getting a hotel room so he can drink if he wants too. Should be a lot of fun!!! So..cross your fingers that he does not have to work!
We have been looking at a couple houses, and I believe as long as we can get a loan, we are going to get one of them. YAY!!! I am getting very excited about it. It is such a HUGE step in our lives, I didn't really think it was until I was in the situation. Trying to find exactly what we both want and love in a house is difficult, but at the same time it has been so much fun!
I am still getting excited about school...I'm ready for it. Ready to have a career, a very meaningful one. Well, I have wrote a lot tonight, so I think I am going to go. I should get cleaning but I don't feel like it! Have a great night!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Feb. 16...Trying this out/Valentines Day

I haven't ever been big on blogging, but I am going to try this out. I got married about 7 months ago, to a wonderful guy named Michael Hannah, so this was our first married Valentines day!!....We weren't sure if he was going to have to work or go with the National Guard to help people with the snow, so we celebrated on Monday night when I got home from work. Neither one of us are big on the "mandatory show of love" so I was not expecting much, maybe a little gift and a long night of cuddling..but that is about it. However, I got home, started to unlock the door (my hands were full of stuff), and before I knew it, he had the deadbolt locked on me. I was getting ready to drop his gifts, so I started knocking trying to get it..FINALLY he opened the door for me and immediately covered my eyes. He then led me back to our bedroom and told me to "go find my present." So I walk out to the living room, and he had our whole couch covered with stuffed animals, roses, chocolate, rose petals and a card. It was fantastic! :) After I got done reading the card, he said "that isn't it...there is another gift for you." He had placed a diamond heart necklace around the teddy bears neck! We then cooked dinner together, the entire night was wonderful..I could not ask for more!

Most people warned me before I got married that the first year is the hardest, that we would argue constantly. I think this has been the most fantastic 7 months of my life. Mike is the best husband, every morning I wake up, I always look at him and realize just how lucky I am. I hope that everyone has the chance to be this happy.

Other than my life being married, not much is going on. I work at the my family's lumber yard 2 1/2 days a week (to mostly save me from the ultimate boredom of being home all the time.) In June, I think I am going to go back to school for about 13 months to get my Masters of Arts in Teaching, although I have not decided what age I want to teach. Most people say I wouldn't be able to have control over high schooler's, but that is what age I think I would like the most. I believe I am going to go ahead and get my degree in elementry ed. so that I can do either. I like to have options! :)

Well, I think my hubby and I are going to go to the movies with some friends tonight so I need to start getting ready. Since this is a post mostly about Valentines are the lyrics to my 2 favorite love songs!

Making Memories of Us-Keith Urban
I'm gonna be here for you baby
I'll be a man of my word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
I wanna honor your mother
I wanna learn from your pa
I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
We'll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there'll be a new day
Comin' your way
I'm gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
And I'm gonna make you this promise
If there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll win your trust making memories of us
You Are-Jimmy Wayne
Baby when i look at you
You know it breaks my heart in two
How beautiful you areI've seen you in a million dreams
Now you're finally here with me
We will never be apart
I wanna hold you forever
That's all i'll ever need
You are my love
You are my life
My heart and soul
The truest friend i've ever known
You are my world
All of my dreams
My fantasy, my reality
I love everything you are
Every time i close my eyes
It hits me so deep inside
How real this feeling is
I'm intoxicated by your touch
It's a sweet, sweet rush
I'm in love with your kiss
You're the one i trust the most
You changed me
You are my love
You are my life
My heart and soul
The truest friend i've ever known
You are my world
All of my dreams
My fantasy, my reality
I love everything you are
Everything, i love everything you are