Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Season

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I believe this was the best Christmas I have ever had, for many reasons. This year has been full of events that have made me take a step back and look at how important life, family, and all loved ones are. My mom had a scary situation with a tumor growing in her kidney-so we were all thankful for her being okay and getting through it all. I think getting a little older and more mature has really made me appreciate all I have and the people in my life.
Mike made this Christmas very special too. I have not been surprised for probably 7 years now on any of my gifts, my parents take me shopping and I know exactly what I am getting. Well Mike wanted to make sure to surprise me-which is terrific and sweet! He kept giving me WEIRD hints (about a man with a fish) and getting secretive phone calls, disappearing for a couple hours and all sorts of odd behavior for him. He ended up giving me my present a couple days before Christmas because with going to his mom's and over to my parents, he wanted to make sure I had enough time to play with it. So-I ended up getting a Nintendo wii-which was so incredible because I have wanted one since the first time I played it. This Christmas they were extremely hard to find and if you did they were over priced-so he had been searching for the last month on the Internet and every store to find me one. He ended up getting home from St. Louis, going to Walmart, got in a huge line-2 guys said "forget it" and left, another man got a phone call from his wife and she had got one in e-ville...which put Mike 14th in line. A walmart employee with a fish on his name tag, counted off 14 people and told the rest to go home! I am extremely lucky!
Mike ended up getting a Playstation 3 from my parents, so he is extremely happy! He has been wanting one since they came out last year! We had a terrific time with our families, my parents really got into playing the wii-and as always-Mike and my father were very competitive on everything; especially the bowling and boxing games!
Now I am hoping Mike will be in town on New Year's Eve. I will be upset if he is sent to St.Louis that night, but I guess I should just be thankful he has such a great job. New Year's Day with be our third year anniversary-and we have been married for almost a year and a half. I do not think I could be happier! He is such a terrific Man, he gives me everything and more-and I hope I do the same for him. We are planning to start trying to have kids at the end of 08-and I am so excited! We already have names picked out and everything!
Well, I hope everyone has a safe New Year's!