Thursday, November 22, 2007

I love the Holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I love the holidays and being able to spend time with all of my family. Seems like everyone's lives are so fast paced anymore-that it is hard to spend a whole day with your family. Unfortunately Mike was called to go to St. Louis early this morning and was not able to be at our family dinner. I really missed him and I wish he could have been here more than anything-but I also know I need to be thankful for the money that these St. Louis trips are bringing in.

He worked on his truck engine all last week and got it running again! He is such a hard worker, he was out at Shawn Nance's house for 12-14 hours for 4 days putting everything back in. I was getting worried about him, but he was so motivated, I could have never convinced him to slow down. I am so glad he got it fixed, he loves that truck!!!! It fits him, perfectly! Bad thing is that our car is now parked until we fiqure out what is wrong with it....bad luck! We cannot drive it more than 5 miles without it overheating. Blah! Oh well, it does not bother me not having a vehicle of my own right now, I just know it stresses Mike out. I know even with the repairs we have been having to make, we are truly lucky people.

We put up our christmas tree and decorations yesterday! Last year we did not decorate so it was our first tree together! May sound lame, but I was so excited. We went to pick out decorations together, and THAT was an experience all in itself!!! haha. We had two different ideas on how our tree should look. Although I think I got my way more, he even agreed that it turned out really pretty!!!

Well, I think that is about all for now. I am just looking forward to him getting home sometime hopefully {in the morning.} Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

