Friday, April 20, 2007


It has been quite a while since I have wrote a blog, so quite a bit has happened. Mike got put on alert for the National Guard, he is in the 13,000 that they are planning to send back to Iraq. He has 6 more days and he is out and on the inactive list, so I am hoping he doesn't get orders. I know he really likes the National Guard, and the guys he has been in it with, but I can't help being selfish and Not wanting him to go back to Iraq. In all honesty, I'm not sure what I would do going a year without him. I try to be supportive no matter what though-I guess it is kind of an inner conflict that I have. I want him to be happy, but I want to be happy too. I am extremely proud of him, I mean-he is so brave and has fought for our country.
I am still working at the Lumber Yard a couple days a week, although I do not think I will be there much longer. I'm getting ready to go back to school to get my Teacher's Cert. and I plan on starting to Substitute. I love the Lumber Yard, it just isn't what I want to do for a long period of time, It is my Family's passion-not mine. If we lived some place bigger, I would want to by a Criminal Psychologist-I think I have always wanted to figure out why criminals do what they do. I truly believe if we figure out what is causing people to kill and commit crimes, that there is a better chance is actually stopping it. How it is going now, society tries to place blame in every direction so "somebody's head rolls," instead of finding the source of the problem and making sure it never happens again.
I think we are all saddened by the Virgina Tech Massacre. My sympathy goes out to everyone affected. I really believe that everyone needs to come together in a time of need for the families. It seems that the United States is getting split by all the different political views that everyone has. Which the strong views that everyone has will not subside any time soon; I have come to the conclusion, that with the war and laws being made-the politicians are just doing what they feel is right and what, in the long run, will be the best for this country. I think society as a whole is becoming increasingly passive about stuff that would have never been tolerated 20 years ago, but I guess we owe that to "growing" as people.
My views are just that-Mine. I know that not everyone agrees, that some people would fight me to the death about some things I believe. However, I do not criticize how others feel, so I ask for the same respect. I got kind of frustrated last night watching the news-people criticizing NBC for releasing the tapes and pictures of the killer. If they wouldn't have, they would be equally criticized by the other set of people that want to see the information. I think a simple solution would be-for those of you who do not want to see pictures and videos, turn the channel or turn the tv off. No one is forcing anyone to see it. However, others deal with the trauma by finding why the killer did what he did. I do not think Kids should watch things that may scare them, but at the same token-if children get up at night- they will see girls flashing their boobs or late night talk shows with the main focus is on sex. Why do people not try to get those topics changed? Because sexuality is becoming the main focus of our society? Because 12 year olds in the last few years came with a "bracelet system" to perform sexual acts to those who "ripped off the bracelet."
My who question to the world is: why do we just shake our heads in disbelief what the children of society are doing, instead of stopping what is causing them to do it? If all children see on tv and in magazines are naked women and young good looking men wanting these women-children will relate "young skinny pretty woman will get the attention of a good looking man." Like I said, I am not trying to offend anyone reading this, but this is my opinion. Whenever I have a child, I really believe I am going to have to supervise everything the child watches and looks at on the computer. Pornography is too easily accessed for children. I think watching a porn with your signifigant other or by oneself once they are an appropriate age and place is something that should not be a problem. (as long as it isn't obsessive) But when a child can go to a website that they are trying to find information for a report, they see women in a bra and thong with everything hanging out, something should be done to prevent it.
I guess my whole point is, that with everything that has been happening with criminals, gunmen, and sexuality, that maybe we should try to get back to the start of the problem and fix it. I know that our world is not perfect, and it never will be..but if everyone worked together to find problems and solve them, maybe things could get a little better instead of continuly worse.
Well, I seriously hope I have not offended anyone who has read this, it is just my personal views and opinions. Everyone have a good and safe weekend!